
Rainy Day Adventure Club

Rainy Day Adventure Club is a strange beast, and rather hard to describe. In each episode, host Alex gathers a bunch of his friends together in a room and makes them solve puzzles, talk to eccentric characters and generally not act their age. It is a little like a Dungeons and Dragons game, but with less complicated mechanics and more talking squirrels. Or a Choose Your Own Adventure book with more freedom for the players. Or the classic children’s game show Knightmare, without the helmet and with about the same number of silly voices.

But the best way to understand it is to listen to the first episode! Pop on over to the episode archive to get started. Or you can subscribe to our RSS feed to be notified whenever new episodes are available. Do it now, so you don’t forget about us!

NVFAQ (Not Very Frequently Asked Questions)

Who is this podcast for?
We want it to be for everyone! We try to keep it PG, which means only mild swearing (I edit out any accidental slips on the part of the players!), some cartoonish descriptions of violence, a few not-that-scary horror elements and occasional innuendo – nothing too extreme on any of these fronts. Whether or not it’s suitable for children probably depends on the child – if you’re a concerned parent you may want to listen to an episode first to get an idea of what RDAC is all about.

Can I play along at home?
To some extent, yes. Though obviously you can’t make decisions on behalf of the players, you can participate in most of the puzzles. If you want to do this, have a pen and paper ready while listening! If you want to solve a puzzle yourself, try pausing the podcast before the players give their answer.

What is the release schedule for new episodes?
It’s complicated at the moment. Each adventure is split up into a few episodes, which go out weekly once the adventure has been recorded. But we haven’t quite worked out how regularly we’ll be able to record new adventures, since it is a lot of work to prepare them. It’s likely there will always be breaks between adventures – perhaps only of a week or two, perhaps longer. The easiest way to keep track of it is to subscribe to our RSS feed or subscribe through iTunes, or follow us on Twitter for all the latest updates.

Who are you guys, anyway?
We’re a bunch of friends who live (mostly) in Edinburgh, Scotland. In the past, as Beyond Studios, we’ve made some short films and comedy sketches, and we continue to do that from time to time. Rainy Day Adventure Club is a fun side project helmed by Alex Perry, an aspiring writer with too much time on his hands.

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